Friday, April 8, 2011

Intro... Lets Just Jump into it!

OK first I'm going to start with a new app I just added to my list of many. It is a game called Mega Jump by: get set. How to play the game... The goal of Mega Jump is to jump as high as you can and reach new stages. Every stage your reach will unlock a new stage (Level). To move the character you just have to move you ipod, iphone or ipad left to right. I know what your thinking, That sounds like a dumb app but I am telling you it is so addictive. There are 20 levels and they get harder as you go. When I am sitting at work or at home and have nothing to do this always hits the spot. I rate this 9 out of 10. Easy to play, Looks great and so much fun to play!

Now for a not great app. Zombie Duck by: Broken Thumbs Apps. Although the graphics a good and the set up the same as the old Natinto game duck hunt, this game is hard to play. I blame it on the controls. It uses the accelerometer in the device to point at the duck. Its hard to figure out and you need to re-configure the aiming almost every round you play. I got tired of it very quickly. I rate this app a 2 out of 10. Look good but I think there might be a bug in the system because it just does not work right.

Thanks for reading,
Apple App Buff.

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