Monday, April 11, 2011

One Night, Three Apps!

So I was sitting at work cruising the app store looking for the next app to review and I found three. After playing with each I just could not decide witch one to review. All of them so different, all had there good, bad and ugly. So I will do all three.

Lets start with the first one I downloaded. Have you ever been out to dinner or making dinner for a love one and wanted to really empress them? Well I have the app for you. "WineStein" is a app that helps you pick the perfect wine for every meal. The app is a breeze to use. You start by picking what your eating. You have a choice between vegetarian, fish, meat, pasta, pizza and cheese. After you pick one of those... let say you pick meat. Then it give the option to chose what kind of meat, lets say we pick chicken. Then you pick the way the chicken is cooked. It gives you a very long list of ways to cook chicken. I never knew there where so many ways to cook chicken. Next we need to pick what we are having with the chicken (sides) and then what herbs and spices that the chicken it cooked with. I know it seems like a lot, but when your using the app it goes by very fast. I give this app a 8 out of 10. Based on the fact that I don't know when I will ever use this app but it will come in handy when I do need it. And last it was a free App.

Next I downloaded a app called "Contract Killer". I thought to myself this will be good to release some tension. It is a free app by glu. It's very simple. People pay you to kill other people. You have a variety of guns and locations. I rate this app a 6 out of 10 based on it took way to long to download and they put way to much back story into the app. I just wanted to shout things. lol.

And last but not least "Epic Truck". A fun but simple game. You get about 20 levels and a MONSTER TRUCK! You just have to go through each track and do it as fast a possible. I gave this app a 8 out of 10 based on the graphic could have been better but all in all a fun app to play.

Thanks For Reading,
Apple App Buff.


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