Friday, April 15, 2011

SIRI app Review

Have you ever wanted a personal assistant. Well now you can have one free from the app store. It's called "Siri" by: Siri Inc. This is a great app and so easy to use. It is free in the app store. To put it a simple as I can this does what you tell it. It feels good to have power over something even if it's your iphone. This app will find the weather, book movies and restaurants, call a taxi, reminds you of everything and it is all voice controlled. So you tell it what to do and it does it. And the best part is it is totally free. That is my fav word ever FREE! I give this a 9 out of 10 based on I love having a assistant and it was free. The only bad thing I can say about this app is it takes time to get use to telling it what to do. You have to tell it thing the right way. So get it today at the app store!

Thanks for reading,
Apple App Buff. 

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